Someone suggested to me that I might try to come off as less arrogant. I've asked around, and most of my friends seem to think that I do sometimes sound a little condescending, but not very often. I've been trying to discover where this comes from. Perhaps it's because I'm so full of self-pride as to how far I've come from where I used to be. I feel like I've made so much progress and it feels good. Perhaps to others that self-confidence and pride comes across as arrogant at times. I need to work on that I guess.
This same person who suggested that I came across as arrogant also asked if I was monitored by a doctor.
My reply:
If you read the articles that are called "My Life Story" you'll notice the experiences I had with doctors in my life. Most of them were not at all helpful, so I have little interest in the opinion of a "professional." To me, my personal experience is golden, the experience of other people I've met is silver, and the scientific research is bronze.
Nobody knows how you feel but you. A doctor can't really tell me what kind of health I'm in any better than I can really tell. My opinion is subjective based upon my experience and what I see around me, his experience is subjective based on what he was taught in school and on his previous patients. What makes his subjective opinion more valuable than mine? A slip of paper?
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