Question on Americans Elect 2012
"How should the US promote energy innovations and green technology?"
Should we lean towards private sector investment or government investment?
If we pass laws to make the government do it, then it'll actually get done... Poorly.
If we somehow make it profitable then private interests will do it, and they'll do it well: really well. But if we don't make it profitable for them, it won't get done.
So it's not whether we should make government do it or make priviate sectors do it... It's how effectivie will the end result be, and how soon will it come about?
"How should the US promote energy innovations and green technology?"
Should we lean towards private sector investment or government investment?
If we pass laws to make the government do it, then it'll actually get done... Poorly.
If we somehow make it profitable then private interests will do it, and they'll do it well: really well. But if we don't make it profitable for them, it won't get done.
So it's not whether we should make government do it or make priviate sectors do it... It's how effectivie will the end result be, and how soon will it come about?
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